Four Tips for Removing Grease and Oil Stains from Your Garage Floor


Working in the garage often leads to a few spots or spills of oil and grease. However, you don’t have to live with those unsightly stains if you’re willing to put in a little work. The following four options will help you get rid of those stains, without breaking the bank, so you can enjoy your pristine garage once more.

A word about concrete

Concrete is a very porous material, which means oil, grease and other liquids are soaked up quickly. While this does mean you will have to put a bit of effort into getting the stain out, you can do it with the following cleaning options.


Degreasers are a great option for removing oil stains, but you always want to make sure you choose eco-friendly options to protect yourself and your family. These solvents often contain a citrus-based degreaser in an absorbent that won’t soak into the concrete garage floor. For most of these, there are a few steps you will need to follow:

  • Clean up any standing liquid
  • Use a stiff broom to sweep up any debris
  • Use a trowel and spread the degreaser over the stain until it is covered completely
  • Allow the degreaser to dry – it will turn into a powder
  • Sweep up the powder and discard properly – Any remaining moisture will dry up within a few days, and the stain will be removed.

Make sure to follow any manufacturer recommendations when using eco‑friendly degreasers.

Powdered laundry Soap

Weekend warriors and professionals alike have long known powdered laundry soap is an effective oil and grease stain remover for recent spills. For effective removal, follow these steps:

  • Blot or soak up any excess liquid to prevent additional staining
  • Add a large amount of powdered laundry soap to a bucket and add warm water – solution should be very soapy
  • Pour water over the stain, and add additional soap powder right on top of the soapy water. Allow to sit for several minutes.
  • Use a stiff-bristled brush and scrub the stained area thoroughly.
  • Hose everything off – higher pressure often yields better results

Industrial strength degreasers

Most industrial strength degreasers follow the same application and use as the eco-friendly options. However, while they are more expensive, they are much stronger and may work more quickly. There are some precautions necessary to make sure you protect yourself during use:

  • Always wear rubber gloves and appropriate eye protection when using any type of industrial products
  • Make sure the garage is ventilated during use
  • Follow all usage instructions

Homemade cleaning solutions

There are also a variety of homemade solutions that may help to remove oil stains from your garage floor. Some of the most popular include:

  • Kitty Litter – Sprinkle liberally over fresh spills and allow to sit for a few hours before sweeping
  • Sawdust/Paint Thinner – Mix equal parts of each and allow to sit for several minutes
  • WD‑40 – Spray on stain and allow to soak. Scrub and hose off.
  • Mineral Spirits – Apply and let stand for three minutes. Use a stiff brush and scrub the stain. Afterwards, cover the area with newspaper and let dry. Add a cup of bleach and a cup of laundry soap to one gallon of warm water and scrub before hosing off.

Things to remember

The most important thing to remember about oil stains on your garage floor is that the sooner you clean it up, the easier it will be. The second is to keep in mind that accidents happen – just choose your favorite stain removal method and get scrubbing before it has time to soak into the concrete.

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